December 8, 2021
Speaker 1: And you guys are going. Speaker 2: Hey, we’re out here in Highland, California. I’m here with David and we just bought two properties from him. So I just wanted to talk to him about our process and how we treated him. So David, introduce yourself. David Slater: I’m David Slater. This is one of my places. Speaker 2: Yes. So we bought two properties from him out in Highland, California. And how would you feel overall the process was with us? David Slater: It was really easy. It was really simple. Speaker 2: Okay. And we answered all your questions and everything like that? David Slater: Uh-huh (affirmative). Speaker 2: Perfect. And as far as price, I know a lot of people have difficulties coming up with a price for properties. Do you feel like we gave you a fair price? David Slater: I think it was a fair price. Yes. Speaker 2: Absolutely. And as far as I know, we’re already closed and we’re letting you move some of your stuff out. Has that process been okay? And have we done everything we told you we were going to do? David Slater: Yes, you did. Speaker 2: Awesome. Well, thank you very much for your time, David. It was a pleasure working with you and enjoy Arizona. David Slater: Oh yeah. Speaker 2: All right. David Slater: Thank you.